About Education, Health and Wellbeing (EHW) CIC

EHW CIC is an umbrella organisation for a number of community enterprises. Each enterprise has formed through an identification of lack of service or a need for change.

  • SEWN – Sustainable Environmental Wellbeing Network stems from research that has identified a disconnect between schools, communities and families. The network aims are to bring together practices and processes to ensure that schools are supported in their mission to support community. SEWN aims to transform current outsourcing practices that schools have become accustomed to.  Creating and developing viable alternatives that bring together community while supporting a focus towards greater environmental awareness.
  • The Peak Adventure – supporting people to explore the outdoors, creating mind-sets, not mountaineers. Adventure is not about conquering the great outdoors but immersing in it, with it and realising that life is a process of which humans are just one part. The journey is the adventure, not the destination.
  • ESCape:- Ecological and Sustainable Consultancy has been developed to support a change process focused upon the UN SDGs. It is working to enact this change and create more ethically aware processes within organisations.

Currently the etc has three Directors, James Gardiner, Andy Bradbury and Phil Dean. It is limited by Guarantee rather than shares which means that no dividends can be declared if there are any surpluses. Not-for-Profit does not mean that we do not charge for the services provided and it does not mean that income can’t be generated from funding or other means. It simply means that no Profit can be divided to share holders, because there are none. All money generated for services will be used to develop and provide for the work that the company does. 

For those of you who are intrigued and not quite sure what it means to be not-for-profit let me explain. A not-for-profit organisation or company exists simply to provide the service it is regulated to provide. The Community Interest Company regulator verifies that all CIC’s meet the requirements of ‘Community Interest’ in the work that they do. They also regulate the remuneration of Directors and can call to question any disproportionate remuneration of Company Directors. This regulation ensures that the best possible value is provided and the vast majority of any income generated is used to provide services. 

Our programs are costed, not to ensure that profits line our pockets, but to give best value to those who adventure with us. It is this way of thinking that will help to ensure that we can continue to provide more services to more people, subsidising those in the most need and catering adventures for a much wider demographic. 

You will be familiar with Charities and also Public Sector services. In many ways CIC’c are much akin to this way of generating income and providing services. People are paid for the work they do and all money stays within the system, rather than disappearing to an unknown share holder in an unknown yacht somewhere in the world.

One of the founding values of EHW CIC is equity. Our work ensures that resources and focus are placed upon developing equitable services for communities, transforming existing practices to align with the United Nations Sustainability Development Goals.

Our commitment to the community.

As part of the work we do Education Health and Wellbeing is committed to raising funds so that we can offer programs for vulnerable people. We will do this throughout the year, working with grant funders and others stake holders who are keen to support our mission. Every program we embark upon will help us with this mission. By being part of our activities, you are directly helping us do more and for that, we thank you kindly. If it wasn’t for the support of the community Education Health and Wellbeing would not have come to fruition and we would not be working to tackle issues like loneliness, low self esteem, anxiety and a raft of mental wellbeing issues many people are faced with. Education Health and Wellbeing CIC is here to help bring some enjoyment into the lives of those who may not have the opportunity to experience the great outdoors as we see it. Our job is to open the window, take a step outside, breath in the air and take in the surroundings. We will work with a number of other professionals along our journey and it is always our aim to dedicate the best possible staff and resources to ensure the best possible outcome.